Email List

Our email list has 2,500 members. It is a great way to post job announcements and connect with other open space professionals. Emails sent to the group can be found on the Email Archive page

Email List is Full - Join the Waitlist

Sorry, our email list has reached capacity and we are unable to accept new requests at this time. We are looking into new providers and hope to announce a new system later this year.

You can join our waitlist to be notified when the new system is in place. And we will periodically add new subscribers from the waitlist as current members unsubscribe.

How To Send

Current list members can send an email to from the email that you signed up with.

Your email will be sent to the group including any attachments.

Acceptable emails to the group include:

  • Job announcements.
  • Sharing information about land management policies and practices.
  • Conferences or events directly related to open space.
  • Advertising of products or services are not allowed.

View Sent Emails

Emails sent to the group are archived on our website.

View Emails