COSA Part-Time Administrator, Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conf erence

Part-Time Administrator, Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference

The Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference planning committee is seeking an experienced administrator to organize and run the annual conference (which currently alternates between virtual and in-person) and conference planning process, consolidate information and records related to the conference, coordinate with the conference’s fiscal sponsor, and handle other aspects of year-to-year support of the conference. This is a remote position: the administrator must have a home office with reliable internet. This position begins ASAP, and runs year-round, with work peaking from December-February.

The Landscaping with Colorado Native Plants Conference ( promotes the inclusion of native plants in landscaping to benefit pollinators and songbirds, save water, and restore the beauty and health of nature in the places we live, work and play. The conference is led by a coalition of partner organizations including Butterfly Pavilion, Colorado State University Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Colorado State University Extension, Colorado Native Plant Master Program®, Colorado Native Plant Society, Denver Botanic Gardens, Wild Ones Front Range Chapter, and High Plains Environmental Center.

Administrator Duties and Responsibilities include:


  • Leading up to and during the Conference: Setting up and coordinating the registration process, instructing and assisting vendors and speakers, incorporating the conference evaluation process, and providing support during the conference. (In years of virtual conferences, administrator must be comfortable with operating whichever virtual platform is chosen that year.)
  • Coordinate with the planning committee to plan the annual conference.
  • Attend planning committee meetings and implement committee directives and decisions regarding the conference.
  • Consolidate records from each conference and the ongoing planning process into a digital archive easily accessed by conference planning committee, including notes from planning committee meetings, conference documentation, volunteer lists, and grant recipients and any other information related to administering the conference.
  • Cooperate with conference fiscal sponsor, which is currently Colorado Native Plant Society.
  • Other administrative duties as assigned.


  • Serve as the point of contact to all speakers for scheduling, logistics, and reimbursement.

Administrator Skills and Qualifications:

  • Experience with non-profit conference and fiscal administration
  • Excellent oral and written communication in English
  • Self-motivated, detail-oriented, highly organized, and the ability to complete tasks
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Suite and Google Drive products, Dropbox, and social media platforms
  • Home office in place with high-speed internet connection – work will be remote

Reports to: LWCNP conference planning committee member, Deryn Davidson.

Compensation: $20-$25 per hour, depending on experience.

Hours will vary, depending on the month. This is a year-round position totaling as many as 300 hours, with about a third of those hours from December through February, leading up to and during the annual conference. For the other nine months, approximately 20 hours per month.

To Apply: Please email a cover letter addressing why you are interested in this particular position and a resume addressing how your qualifications apply to lwcnpconference. Please include “Conference Administrator” in the subject line, and label your attached files with your name (last, first), an underscore, and either “resume” or “cover letter,” depending on the content of the file, for example, Smith_Juana_resume or Smith_Juana_cover letter. Applications due by September 22.

Maggie Gaddis, MS, PhD she/her/hers, Executive Director
Colorado Native Plant Society
a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the knowledge, appreciation and conservation of native plants and habitats of Colorado through education, stewardship and advocacy

Become a member today:


2022 CoNPS Annual Conference Sponsors

LWCNP Part Time Administrator Job Announcement 9-7-23.pdf