Hi everyone,
The Collective for Nature Immersion Science and Practice (cNISP) is a research group at Colorado State University that facilitates collaboration between practitioners and researchers working at the intersection of nature immersion and human health and well-being and is conducting a needs assessment around this topic area. We, the Collective for Nature Immersion Science and Practice, are looking for organizations that encourage folks to get outside (or garden) to improve various aspects of their well-being. We are recruiting organizations doing this work to participate in an online needs assessment and invite you to take our survey below by 11/30/23.
Information for Practitioners:
The Collective for Nature Immersion Science and Practice (cNISP) is looking for organizations that encourage people to get outside as a tool to improve various aspects of their well-being to participate in their needs assessment, which aims to support practitioners’ capacity in this area of work. They deeply value your input!
Please click this link to take their needs assessment: https://colostate.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1ZjOuVCzeQCByt0
You are encouraged to complete this 20-minute survey at your earliest convenience. Please also forward this information to any organizations you know that are working in the U.S. to increase people’s time outside as a way to improve well-being.
If you would like more information, please visit the cNISP website (https://sites.warnercnr.colostate.edu/cnisp) or contact the team directly.
Thank you,
-The cNISP Team
Dr. Sara LoTemplio (Sara.LoTemplio)
Dr. Sarah Walker (Sarah.Elizabeth.Walker)
Dr. Jill Zarestky (Jill.Zarestky)
Kerri Rollins
Regional Director, Front Range Region
Office of Engagement and Extension | Colorado State University
Address. 4040 Campus Delivery, 1311 S College Ave. | Fort Collins, CO 80523
Phone: (970) 491-1905 Cell: (970) 231-9365
Email: Kerri.Rollins@colostate.edu
An equal access and equal opportunity University. https://col.st/ll0t3
discrimination. Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Colorado counties cooperating.