COSA UPDATES! Gambel oak webinar symposium 11/13

Hi all:

We have some important updates for the Gambel oak Webinar Symposium! Please see notes and links below. An outline of speakers, affiliations, titles, and contact info is attached.

Full online announcement is available here!

Register for webinarONLINE OR

IN PERSON(40 seats available) on Colorado State University campus
(Room 142, Michael Smith Natural Resources building).
Best parking available in Visitor Lot 425 to west of MSNR.

Register for Society of American Foresters Continuing Ed Credits!

Check out/download Gambel oak Reference document for
Dan Huisjen’s discussion (2nd speaker – he will be speaking to this).

Can’t make the live webinar? Recorded videos will be archived on the USU Forestry Extension YouTube channel within two weeks of event.

“See” you then!

Gloria J. Edwards

Program Coordinator

Southern Rockies Fire Science Network

1472 CSU Campus Delivery

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, CO 80523

(970) 491-2991

Get the latest SRFSN news and info at

Oak Symposium Speaker Outline.pdf