COSA 2017 CPW Wetlands Funding RFA – please circulate

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Wetland/Riparian Conservation Partners:

We are pleased to announce available funding for new wetland and riparian restoration and enhancement projects. The Request for Applications (RFA) is attached and also posted on our web site.

Applications are due ​July 14​
, 201​7​

We would greatly appreciate your assistance circulating this announcement and RFA widely.

Thanks and regards,

Brian Sullivan
Wetlands Program Coordinator

Terrestrial Section – Statewide Programs UnitNewCO-DNR_logos-LOCKUPS_BG.png
P brian.sullivan
317 W. Prospect Rd., Fort Collins, CO 80526

CPW 2017 Wetlands Funding RFA (final 2017.05.25).docx