COSA Share this with you Volunteers!

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Shadowcliff and Project Learning Tree have partnered to create a very cool idea workshop specifically for grandparents! It’s called Grandparents in Grand Lake and is September 6th-8th. An educational retreat up in the mountains, the price includes 1.5 days of program, meals, and lodging. Program will include PLT activities and ideas for engaging children ages 3-12 in the outdoors, utilizing Shadowcliff’s rustic learning environment and close proximity to RMNP.

Would you please share this with your senior volunteers and within your networks? This is a unique and exciting opportunity for folks to learn and retreat at the same time, and I’m sure you’ve got folks you know that would be interested. Local’s pricing available for folks who don’t need lodging.

I’ve attached a flyer for you.

Thanks so much!