COSA 2018 Meeting: Call for Abstracts!

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Annual Meeting

Call for Abstracts

Where: Lake Pueblo State Park, 640 Pueblo Reservoir Rd, Pueblo, CO 81005

When: May 4 – 6, 2018

Abstracts are invited for oral and poster presentations at the annual meeting of Colorado Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation to be held May 4 – 6, 2018 at Lake Pueblo State Park: Register Here

Presentations are invited on all topics related to amphibian and reptile conservation with particular interest on those species occurring in Colorado.

Presentations by students (undergraduate, graduate) are strongly encouraged.

Oral presentations will be 15-20 minutes. These time frames include time for questions.

A poster session and social will be held to facilitate the sharing of ideas and interactions among attendees and presenters.

STUDENTS!!! COPARC will sponsor the first 5 students to attend the meeting who submit an abstract. PLEASE note on your abstract submission that you are a student (include “_Student” at the end of the file name), or you may not be eligible!

DEADLINE for submission of abstracts to be considered for oral presentations and poster abstract: Tuesday March 27, 2018. For details visit

See attached for submission details.

There will also be a Photo Contest at the Meeting- bring your best amphibian or reptile photo to win!

Colorado Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation

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