Hello COSA members,
Last year we tried using goats to help with control and public education of our noxious weed issues. We got a lot of good press, some weed control and people really like seeing the animals in the park. We wanted to do the same this year but our contractor, Mutton Mowers, is taking this summer off. I was hoping for some recommendations on goat contractors for the Front Range that could help us by grazing around 100 acres this spring and summer. The area we would like to graze still has recreation use so we were hoping for a smaller heard of less than 100 goats with fences. Please contact me at erinil
Erik Nilsen
Natural Resources Specialist
City of Lakewood
Bear Creek Lake Park
15600 W Morrison Rd
Lakewood, CO 80465
(Office) 303-697-3543
(Cell) 303-941-7322
(Fax) 303.697.4766