COSA FW: #23-18 Jefferson Cnty Extension Agent, Horticulture, Plant Pathol ogy, & Food Systems | JeffCo Govt, CO Open Space Alliance, JeffCo Parks & Open Spa ce, & JeffCo Cnty E-News#23-18 Jefferson Cnty Extension Agent, Horticulture, Plant Pathology, & Food Systems | Colorado Open Space Alliance

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I’m hoping you might help us spread the word about the Jefferson County Extension agent vacancy in Golden, Colorado. A vacancy announcement for this position has been posted to our website and can be viewed at: I’ve also attached a short vacancy announcement for distribution. This vacancy will remain open until 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on 6/12/2018.

We are committed to increasing the diversity of our staff and providing culturally responsive programs and services. Therefore, we encourage responses from people of all backgrounds and abilities. We invite you to review Colorado State University’s Principles of Community that guide our mission and vision of access, teaching, service and engagement.

Jefferson County is one of the five counties making up the Denver metropolitan area. Once an agricultural and mining area, Jefferson County is now a thriving suburban, business, industrial and residential community interspersed with small farms, urban agriculture and ranchettes. It’s located where the great plains meet the Rocky Mountains with some of the most magnificent scenery in the country. Outdoor lovers have three national forests and two state parks to choose from as well as a vibrant Open Space parks system. To learn more, visit the Jefferson County website at: or the Colorado State University (CSU) Extension website at:

We would appreciate your help in sending the announcement out through any listserv you know of that might get it in the hands of outstanding, interested, qualified applicants. Thank you.

Thank you for connecting to Colorado State University in Jefferson County. My work schedule is Monday and Tuesday each week. For more information, see,, or contact me at 15200 W. 6th Ave., Unit C, Golden, CO 80401, main 303-271-6620, direct 303-271-6625, FAX 303-271-6644.

Barbara Fahey

Natural Resources Agent – Native Plant Master® Program

Help ensure the future of native plants in Colorado – DONATE NOW:

Have you considered including the program in your estate plans? Visit for more information, or call 970-491-3414.

Colorado State University Extension, Jefferson County

303.271.6620 – Office

303.271.6644 – Direct

303-271-6644 – FAX

15200 West 6th Ave, Unit C

Golden, CO 80401

CSU Extension programs are available to all without discrimination.