COSA 2018 CPW Colorado Wildlife Habitat Program (CWHP) RFP

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

We are pleased to announce the RFP for the Colorado Wildlife Habitat Program for 2018. CWHP offers available funding opportunities for private landowners who wish to voluntarily protect important wildlife habitat, and/or, provide sustainable wildlife-related recreational access to the public.

The CWHP is an incentive-based, voluntary program that utilizes Conservation Easements, Access Easements, and in some circumstances, fee title purchases to accomplish strategic wildlife conservation goals and/or public access goals. Priority is given to Conservation Easements and Public Access Easements over Fee Title per CPW Policy and Title 33-4-102.7 C.R.S.

The Request for Proposals (RFP) is attached and also posted on our website.

Applications are due ​July 15

, 2018

We would greatly appreciate your assistance circulating this announcement and RFP widely.


Rebecca FerrellCommunications Specialist/Public Information Officer
Information and Education Branch

P 303.866.3203 ext.4608 | C 720.595.1449
1313 Sherman St., Denver, CO 80203
rebecca.ferrell |
