COSA Applications Available for GOCO’s 2018 Habitat Restoration Program

Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) is pleased to announce the 2018 habitat restoration grant cycle for proposals that seek to improve and restore Colorado’s rivers, streams, wetlands, and critical habitat. The GOCO Board has allocated $500,000 for this grant cycle. Please review the information provided cyuanfarrell or 303-226-4511 to discuss your project and request the link.

NOTE: This is the last funding round for habitat restoration work under our existing program rules. GOCO is working with other funding partners to create a new program for release in 2019. While the program parameters are currently in development, it is likely that we will focus restoration funding on particular ecosystems or habitat types rather than allow all types of restoration applications as we do currently.

IMPORTANT DATES: Applicants must submit applications through the GOCO portal no later than 5:00pm on August 31, 2018. The Parks, Trails, and Open Space Committee will meet to discuss staff’s funding recommendations in November 2018. The GOCO Board will make grant awards on December 6, 2018, although this date is subject to change.

Thank you for your interest in GOCO’s habitat restoration program. We look forward to hearing about your projects!

Chris Yuan-Farrell

Senior Program Officer

Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO)

1900 Grant Street, Suite 725

Denver, CO 80203


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