COSA COSA Conference News — Early Registration, Conference App & Carpool App

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Dear COSA friends,

I’m forwarding this message from Tina Nielsen. For some reason, it didn’t get sent to the COSA List.

Here are a few quick conference updates.

Conference Registration

If you’re thinking of attending this year’s conference in Grand Junction Sept. 10-12, you have one more week for best prices–early registration ends August 1.

Blue Grama Award Nominations due August 10. Every year the Colorado Open Space Alliance acknowledges outstanding projects through the Blue Grama Awards. Get recognition for your good work!

Scholarship Applications due August 24. Thanks to our generous sponsors, the COSA Steering Committee awards several scholarships each year to cover registration costs. We also award the Delani Wheeler scholarship to cover registration and lodging.

Attendify App

In an effort to be more sustainable, this year we are using an app for the conference. You can download Attendify from the app store or check out the web version:

Download for iOS

Download for Android

After you download the app, search “COSA 2018” to access the conference. You will be prompted to create an account.

Don’t want to download the app? You can still see all the features at

Transportation Options

More sustainability options! The registration page has links to a carpool app and the Bustang Schedule.

Hope to see you in Grand Junction,

Tina Nielsen | Special Projects Manager

Boulder County Parks and Open Space

(303) 678-6279 | tnielsen

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