COSA FW: Gambel oak Webinar Symposium!!


Sorry to omit a crucial point: if you cannot make the webinar, all presentations will be archived on the USU Forestry Extension Youtube channel within about a week of the webinar.

Keep an eye on our social media (SRFSN Twitter and facebook) as well!

And, please share with your colleagues on adjacent states – Gambel oak has a ubiquitous impact on management throughout the central Rockies region!

Thanks all!

Gloria J. Edwards

Program Coordinator

Southern Rockies Fire Science Network

1472 CSU Campus Delivery

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, CO 80523

(970) 491-2991

Get the latest SRFSN news and info at

From: Edwards,Gloria []
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2018 4:27 PM
To: Edwards,Gloria <>
Subject: [COSA] Gambel oak Webinar Symposium!!

Hello all: Register now for the upcoming Gambel oak symposium: November 13, 2018. 9:00 – 12:30.

· See the online announcement here.

· Register for webinar here!

· OR attend in person at RM 142 (Prairie Room), Michael Smith Natural Resources Building, Colorado State University

· Get 2 Continuing Education credits through the Society of American Foresters.

· See attached speaker schedule for complete speaker information and presentation titles. Join us to learn current research and management recommendations from scientists, firefighters, and industry experts.

· Spread the word!

Here’s the abstract:

Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii) is a widespread species found

throughout the U.S. Southwest and southern Rocky

Mountains. While the species has been widely studied in

Arizona and New Mexico, comparatively little is known about

Gambel oak at the northern extent of its range (Colorado,

Utah, southern Wyoming). Research in this geographic region

is particularly important given substantial differences in

growth form across the species’ range (tree vs. shrub), and

because potential habitat for Gambel oak is likely to spread

northward under future climate scenarios. In this webinar, we

will discuss the current state of knowledge on the ecology and

management of Gambel oak in the southern Rocky Mountains,

with a focus on silviculture, wildfire, and post-fire.

Gloria J. Edwards

Program Coordinator

Southern Rockies Fire Science Network

1472 CSU Campus Delivery

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, CO 80523

(970) 491-2991

Get the latest SRFSN news and info at

Oak Symposium Speaker Outline.pdf