COSA Single Use Trail Designation?

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello –

I manage the Ridge to Rivers Trail System in Boise, Idaho. I’ve attended a handful of your annual get-togethers in the past and appreciated the opportunity to commiserate with other land managers facing similar challenges. We have one such emerging challenge here, and I’m hoping to get some perspective from individuals who may be ahead of us in terms of trying different management strategies.

Our system encompasses 200 miles of primarily shared-use, non-motorized use trails – open to foot, equestrian (light use) and mountain bike. We receive an estimated 1,000,000 visitor days per year, with use in the neighborhood of 60% foot traffic and 40% mountain bike (again, horse use is light – less than 1%).

Due to increasing complaints, we are considering options of separating use on some of our busiest trails. We don’t wish to close these trails to any single user group, so are considering strategies such as one-way designation, or odd/even day split for bikes and foot/horse traffic. We’re also considering constructing a purpose built bike trail in the vicinity of our busiest trails and restricting downhill bike use on neighboring trails, though private land issues are hindering the likelihood of this option.

MY QUESTION IS….Are any of your trail systems employing any of these strategies (I have had a surprisingly difficult time of finding an odd/even day split example)? If so, could you please share some information as to how you implemented them, and some lessons learned along the way

David Gordon

Ridge to Rivers Division Mgr

Parks and Recreation Department

Office: (208)493-2531

Making Boise the most livable city in the country.

? It would be greatly appreciated as we try to move forward with managing an exploding user base here in Boise.

Thank you very much! –