COSA Apply for a Scholarship!

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Hi COSA members,

Below is a scholarship announcement to help students or new professionals to attend the 2019 National Outdoor Recreation Conference in Rapid City, SD. The conference is hosted by the Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals, whose mission is to "promote, advance, and serve outdoor recreation professionals in research, planning, management, and policy development." Please share with your network of students in outdoor recreation fields or new professionals in the field. And if you are interested in learning more about this great conference, please visit the following link: 2019 NORC

Abe Medina

Abraham Medina

Recreation Program Manager


P 303.866.3454 x 3342 | C: 720.955.0057 | F 303.866.3152
1127 Sherman Street, Suite 300, Denver, CO 80203
abraham.medina |

About the State Land Board:

The Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals is committed to supporting the next generation of outdoor recreation professionals. One way

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Apply for a Scholarship!
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The Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals is committed to supporting the next generation of outdoor recreation professionals. One way we do that is by providing scholarships to the National Outdoor Recreation Conference (NORC).

Students and new professionals (within the first five years of your career) are encouraged to apply for a scholarship to attend the 2019 National Outdoor Recreation Conference in Rapid City, South Dakota, May 6-9, 2019. The deadline for scholarship applications is December 21, 2018. For more information and application instructions, please visit the Scholarship page of the 2019 NORC website.

Not a student or new professional? Consider making a contribution to the NORC Scholarship Fund by visiting the conference website or donating directly at:

SORP is also currently accepting concurrent session proposals and award nominations for the 2019 NORC. To learn more, please visit the 2019 NORC website.

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