COSA Natural Resources Superintendent for Greeley

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

I am thrilled to announce that a new Division within the City of Greeley’s Department of Culture, Parks and Recreation is being created starting in 2019. The Natural Resources Division will oversee the management of an existing 900 acres of open lands, the Poudre River Trail, Sheep Draw Trail, and the procurement of new land acquisitions and easements. Applications are now being accepted for a Natural Resources Superintendent for the City of Greeley which will be a challenging and rewarding opportunity for an individual interested in making a difference and being part of a vibrant and growing community. The Natural Resources Superintendent is an integral part of our organization and member of the Culture, Parks and Recreation Department’s senior management team. The NR Superintendent will have responsibility to direct a team of professionals to plan, develop, and implement the City’s priorities in establishing and implementing this newly created Division.

Position is open until filled with the first review of applications December 3, 2018.

Full details and application process is available here:

Cheers, Andy

Andy McRoberts, CPRE

Director of Culture, Parks, and Recreation

651 10th Avenue

Greeley, CO 80631

970-350-9425 ofc

Greeley Natural Resources Superintendent Posting.pdf