COSA Call for Abstracts: Deadline extended – HAR-CeRSER 2019 Conference

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Call for Abstracts:
Submission deadline extended to Jan. 25

We are seeking presentations on ANY topic related to revegetation or restoration of high or low elevation regional ecosystems. The deadline for submitting abstracts for oral and poster presentations and session proposals has been extended until January 25, 2019.

Visit the harcerser for more information.

Submit an Abstract

HAR-CeRSER 2019 Conference

March 12 – 14, 2019
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

Jointly hosted by High Altitude Revegetation committee (HAR) and Central Rockies chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (CeRSER), the goal of the 2019 Conference is to enhance our understanding of ecological restoration and revegetation in diverse ecosystems using a variety of methods.

This 3-day conference will feature keynote addresses by Kingsley Dixon, Don Falk, Tania Schoenaggel, and Daniel Laughlin, contributed oral presentations, poster sessions, networking opportunities, the newest offerings from vendors, and more.

Register by February 1, 2019, to take advantage of Early-bird rates. Discount available on the early-bird rate for CeRSER members.

Visit our website:

Pre-Conference Workshop:

Emerging Approaches to Overcoming
Cheatgrass on Restoration Projects

Tuesday, March 12, 8-10AM

Before the conference begins on March 12, we will host a workshop featuring practical approaches to achieve restoration success when dealing with cheatgrass infestations. Speakers to include:

  • Herbicide Treatment: Dr. Paul Meiman (Extension Specialist and CSU Professor) will discuss recent studies regarding the use of Indaziflam to control cheatgrass and other annual grasses
  • Land Management: Mr. Kyle Wendtland (Administrator, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Land Quality Division) will present on successes from large scale field projects in which land management helped limit cheatgrass invasions.
  • Seeding: Dr. Mark Paschke (CSU Shell Endowed Chair of Restoration Ecology and Research Associate Dean) will address seeding approaches to optimize desirable species establishment in restoration projects.

Early-bird registration rates (ends 2/1/2019):

  • $40 for regular registration
  • $15 for students with valid student ID

For information about registering for the workshop, visit:

Interested in supporting the conference
as a Sponsor or Vendor?

This conference is only possible due to our amazing vendors and contributions from our dedicated sponsors. Information about our vendor and sponsorship benefits and packages is available on our website.

  • If you are interested in becoming a vendor, please select one of the vendor packages when you register.
  • If you are interested in sponsoring the 2019 conference, please contact Pete Stahl. Share Tweet Forward
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