COSA RFQ: Eldorado Canyon State Park – Visitor Use Management Plan

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife intends to develop a Visitor Use Management Plan for Eldorado Canyon State Park. We are seeking a consulting firm or party to conduct an analysis, public meetings, and draft and finalize a plan. For the details and to submit a quote, go to and look for Solicitation: 2019000559 NECT, Consultant for Public Meetings re Eldo Visitor Use. Quotes due 4/18/19, 1:00 pm MDT.

Katie LanterPolicy and Planning Supervisor

P 303.866.3203 x4601 | C 303.229.8078

1313 Sherman St, Rm 111, Denver, CO 80203

katie.lanter |