COSA Communications and Media Internship Opportunity – Colorado Parks and Wildlife

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Good afternoon, Please find attached an opportunity for a Communications and Media Intern with Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The internship pays $15/hr, hiring for a period of 6 months, with an opportunity to extend an additional 3 months.

We hope you will share this opportunity with qualified students or recent graduates you know that may be interested. While the internship is primarily a communications/journalism role, other related majors (biology, natural resources management, etc.) will certainly be considered.

Please let me know if you have any questions; currently, applications are being accepted through June 21, but this period may be extended based on the response. Thank you!


Rebecca Ferrell
Communications Specialist/Public Information Officer

P 303.866.3203 x4608 | C 720.595.1449
1313 Sherman St., Room 618, Denver, CO 80203
rebecca.ferrell |

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2019 Internship Announcement – Communications and Media.pdf