COSA Southwest Conservation Corps is Hiring a River Restoration Crew Membe r!

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

SCC based in Durango, CO is looking for one Dolores River Restoration Strike Team Crew Member. See details below. If you or anyone you know may be interested please reach out to me.

Follow this link for the full position description and to apply online!

Dolores River Restoration – Strike Team Member

Southwest Conservation Corps

Position Dates: May 27th – November 22nd, 2019

Stipend: $400/week

The Southwest Conservation Corps, in collaboration with the Dolores River Restoration Partnership (DRRP) is advertising for one invasive species Strike Team Crew Member. The DRRP is in year 10 of a largescale effort to treat invasive plant species along 175 miles of the river corridor, with strike teams playing an essential role in helping sites reach restoration success. The primary tasks of this crew are to treat noxious weeds, maintain and participate in revegetation activities such as seeding and planting, collect vegetation monitoring and survey data, and perform general restoration activities as needed by the partnership.

The Strike Team will typically work four (M-Th), 10 hour days per week, although schedules may vary. This position will work alongside 1 leader as part of a 2-person crew for the first 2/3 of the season. One additional member will join this crew for the fall season. Crews work and camp for several days at a time in remote locations, in all types of weather conditions. This position requires extensive field time on foot in the elements. Safe operation of BLM, SCC vehicles and selected equipment will be necessary. Please reach out to Emily Kasyon with questions.

Emily Kasyon

Southwest Conservation Corps

Watershed Programs Coordinator
