COSA WEBINAR: Social Responses to Mtn Pine Beetle

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Webinar Wednesday 9/4/19:
Management Responses to Mountain Pine Beetle Infestations on National Forestland in the Western U.S.


Co-sponsored by the University of Oregon Ecosystem Workforce Center, Oregon State University, University of Georgia, and the Northern Rockies and Southern Rockies Fire Science Networks

Research results on management responses to Mountain Pine Beetle infestations in the western U.S will be presented, including case studies of national forests and surrounding communities that were heavily affected by impacts from the beetle in Colorado, Montana, South Dakota, and Washington. Differences and similarities between management responses to mountain pine beetle impacts and what policies, authorities, and approaches managers used to address beetle issues in their national forests will be explored.

WHEN: September 4th, 2019; 11:00 AM (MDT)
WHO: Emily Jane Davis (Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, University of Oregon), Heidi Huber-Stearns (Associate Director, Ecosystem Workforce Program), and Jesse Abrams (Assistant Professor, University of Georgia)


(full link:

Questions? Contact Gloria.Edwards

Please share with your networks!

“See” you then!

Gloria J. Edwards

Administrative Director

Southern Rockies Fire Science Network

1472 CSU Campus Delivery

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, CO 80523

(970) 491-2991

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