COSA Job opening at JCOS: full-time Natural Resources Specialist (Invasive Species Management)

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.


The Jefferson County Open Space (JCOS) Natural Resources team is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for a full-time Natural Resources Specialist to support our innovative invasive species management program. The ideal candidate will have prior invasive species management experience, a Qualified Supervisor pesticide applicator’s license, strong plant identification skills, a willingness to work as part of a team and to engage the public, and interest in supporting other types of vegetation management projects (e.g., forest management, habitat restoration, vegetation inventory/monitoring) as needed.

The direct link to the announcement is: We would appreciate your assistance in distributing this opportunity to qualified applicants. Note: the position closes on October 27.



Drew Rayburn, Ph.D., CERP

Natural Resources Supervisor

303.271.5986, 303.910.7016 cell,