COSA Stepping Down – Eagle Valley Land Trust Seeks New Executive Director

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Dear Colleagues,

Thanks to all of you who have expressed your well wishes as I embark on a new chapter. I am stepping down effective December 18th. It is bittersweet, but I am excited. EVLT is a great place to work and the organization is healthy, all because of the great team we have here and the community and landscape within which we conserve land. I will miss it!

Please find attached the job description for the position and forward it on to anyone you think might be interested. Responses should go to jobs.


Jim Daus

Executive Director
Eagle Valley Land Trust

Time is running out to Save Sweetwater Lake. Click the image for more information:

Mailing Address (USPS ONLY): Post Office Box 3016, Edwards, CO 81632

Physical Address: 34215 US Hwy 6, Suite 205, Edwards, CO 81632

View our video by clicking the image below:


ED Position Description PDF.pdf