COSA Colorado Parks and Wildlife 2020 OHV Trail Grant applications open un til 12/2

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s Trails Program, a statewide program within CPW, administers grants for trail-related projects on an annual basis. Local, county, and state governments, federal agencies, special recreation districts, and non-profit organizations with management responsibilities over public lands may apply for and are eligible to receive non-motorized and motorized trail grants.

The OHV Program seeks to improve and enhance motorized recreation opportunities in Colorado while promoting safe, responsible use of OHVs. The OHV grant program combines OHV registration and permit fees with federal Recreation Trails Funds (RTP) to fund the annual OHV trail grant process. OHV Grants are available for projects related to recreational use of Off-Highway Vehicles (OHVs) on lands open to the public. The 2020-2021 grant period is open, and applications are accepted through December 2.

For additional information on how to apply, see the OHV Trail Grants press release or visit


Rebecca Ferrell
Public Information and Website Manager


P 303.866.3203 ext. 4604 | C 720.595.1449
*Please note new desk extension*
1313 Sherman St., Room 618, Denver, CO 80203
rebecca.ferrell |