COSA Request for Proposals, Jeffco Open Space Small Research Grants

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.


Jefferson County Open Space (JCOS) is pleased to once again offer Small Research Grants to individuals or groups to conduct applied studies on JCOS lands. The goal of this program is to fund research that will inform the management of natural, cultural, and recreational resources. A list of priority research topics is available in the attached announcement. Applicants can also suggest original topics that have significance to resource management or visitor experience in JCOS parks and open spaces. Researchers can also propose interagency projects between JCOS, City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP), and Boulder County Parks and Open Space (BCPOS).

The maximum award amount for JCOS proposals is $10,000. Proposals must be submitted electronically to OSSRgrants by 5:30pm on January 13, 2020.

Please see the attached announcement for additional details, or contact me at hking.

Thank you,

Hillary King

Research and Grants Coordinator

303.271.5924, 303.842.7932 cell,

2020 JCOS Small Research Grants Announcement.pdf

2020 Small Research Grants budget form.xls