COSA CANCELLED: 2020 BCNA Ecosymposium March 14

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

To COSA listserv:

It starts at the top: The intertwined fates of water and ecosystems in the climate crisis


Our mission: To educate, inform and inspire for the purpose of conserving and promoting resilient natural ecosystems in our region
After much thought, reading, and conversation, we’ve decided to cancel the ecosystem symposium for this weekend and postpone to a later date. We hope to reschedule the program for later this year, assuming the speakers are all willing. We will alert you to the date when it seems reasonable to start making plans again.

We appreciate everyone’s interest in the program and we were looking forward to the program and the fellowship with you all that it generates. So we are disappointed but feel confident it’s the responsible thing to do in support of public health goals to slow transmission of COVID-19. None of us can predict the future, but we take the perspective that this is a community event and we want all our community members to be able to participate – not leaving out those who are worried about exposure, those who are sick or self-quarantined, and not elevating anyone’s risk.

We are notifying everyone who registered at EventBrite with an individual e-mail as well as the entire BCNA membership. We do know some people didn’t get the word to register (a new process this year, which we expect to continue) so please do share the word, for example if you forwarded the invitation to your own neighbors or networks.

Best wishes,

Sandra Laursen, Claudia VanWie, Tim Seastedt, and Sue Cass for the Boulder County Nature Association

Visit BCNA’s Website
Boulder County Nature Asso | P.O Box 493, Boulder, CO 80306
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