COSA GOCO’s 2020 draft strategic plan

Dear Partners,

I hope this message finds you all well.

As you may know, GOCO has been working on creating its 2020 strategic plan to carry us into the future. We’re excited to announce that a draft of the strategic plan is now available and open for public comment. I’m reaching out to ask if you would help us spread the word about the draft plan and public comment window that is open from now until 5/14? If so, I’ve assembled a short blurb here that you can edit/revise as you see fit for your website, newsletters, social media, etc.

GOCO’s 2020 Draft Strategic Plan

Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) is pleased to share a draft of its 2020 strategic plan, and they want to hear from you! From now until May 14, GOCO invites you to share your thoughts and feedback about the draft plan. The plan explores a new, values-based approach to grantmaking for GOCO that reflects the priorities of GOCO’s partners, the needs of our state, and ideas for how GOCO can support those within its constitutional mission. To download the plan in English or Spanish, and to find more information regarding the strategic plan timeline, please visit GOCO’s strategic plan page.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. As always, we thank you for your continued partnership and support.



Victoria Nava-Watson, M.A.

Communications Officer

Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO)

1900 Grant St., Suite 725 Denver, CO 80203

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