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Colorado Stream Restoration Network Invitation!

Join your CRA and COCO friends for a joint CSRN workshop (virtual-style) on Wed Nov 18th 9-11a MST

November 2020 CSRN workshop on “Practical Resiliency in Urban Stream Corridors”

Featuring Panelists:

  • Jennifer Shanahan, City of Fort Collins Natural Areas

As the City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Watershed Planner, Jennifer works on a wide variety of Poudre River health initiatives. Both at the local and regional scale, she integrates the nexus between science and applied management and collaborates between river disciplines to sustain and improve the resiliency of the Poudre as it flows through Fort Collins.

  • Joel Sholtes, Colorado Mesa University

Joel is an instructor of Civil Engineering in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction CO. He is a hydraulic engineer and fluvial geomorphologist whose research focuses on process-based river rehabilitation, riverine infrastructure management, flood geomorphology, and flood hazard management.

  • Sharon Bywater-Reyes, University of Northern Colorado

Sharon is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Geoscience at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley CO. She has a background in geology and fluvial geomorphology with her research focusing on controls on sediment transport in riparian areas. She studies water quality and vegetation-hydraulic interactions.

Join us on Wednesday, November 18th for a free online CSRN workshop to close out the (strange and largely virtual) 2020 year. Brought to you by CRA and the City of Longmont, CSRN is a series of free workshops on riparian topics of interest to (and presented by) our Colorado riparian/stream community. CSRN is in its 7th year, born of Colorado’s 2013 Front Range flood as a means of sharing information and messaging to help guide flood recovery efforts towards more river- and riparian-friendly solutions. CSRN remains focused, as we move beyond active flood recovery, on disseminating scientific and educational information on river science, river management, and river restoration to technical experts, project proponents, regulators, and community members. For this CSRN, CRA has teamed up with Coalitions & Collaboratives, Inc. (COCO), a non-profit group fostering collaborative conservation initiatives under the vision: People working together, for people and the planet.

The topic of our November 2020 workshop is “Practical Resiliency in Urban Stream Corridors”. Urban stream corridors present unique challenges for public works and natural areas managers. Once only considered as open storm sewers, communities are now valuing, restoring, and preserving urban stream corridors. Stream corridor managers must balance many uses, hazards, dynamism (aka stream movement), and the environment in and adjacent to these corridors. A risk-based approach to managing urban stream corridors would aid managers in identifying the tolerable level of dynamism. Less dynamism may lead to less resilience in infrastructure and ecosystems.

With this panel, we will engage in a conversation about how stream corridor managers can account or risk and dynamism in stream corridor management. We discuss how "riverine infrastructure" can be constructed and managed in a way that makes it more or less compatible with stream corridor processes and dynamism. Finally, we discuss case studies related to these concepts.

Links to register for this free online workshop and find speaker information are provided below.

We hope you can join us on the 18th!

-CRA Education & Outreach Committee

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