COSA Job Announcement: DNR Philanthropic Development Advisor

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

DNR is hiring a temporary Philanthropic Development Advisor. Please pass this on to anyone who you think might be interested.

Philanthropic Development Advisor – Temporary
The mission of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources is to develop, preserve, and enhance the state’s natural resources for the benefit and enjoyment of current and future citizens and visitors. In an effort to build diversity and inclusion we welcome applications from people of diverse backgrounds and abilities.

The philanthropic development advisor works within CPW’s Marketing and Creative Services Team and in partnership with CPW’s Policy and Planning Unit, CPW’s Financial Services Section and DNR’s Executive Director’s Office to establish a program within CPW to solicit donations from private individuals to support CPW’s mission. The advisor will develop and implement a plan to solicit donations from existing customers and the general public through round-up donations, crowd-sourced fundraising models, planned giving, and other strategies. Activities conducted by the advisor include donor cultivation, solicitation, and recognition; outreach, communication, and management; and tracking contacts in a fundraising database.

For a detailed job posting, please visit: