COSA Adams County Ranger Division inquiry

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Good morning,

Just to take a moment to introduce myself, my name is Travis Bernstein and I was recently brought on by Adams County to create, implement, and manage a new Park Ranger Division within Adams County Parks and Open Space. I am building this Division literally from the ground up, as no program has existed within Adams County prior to this. Rangers will be limited commissioned through the Board of County Commissioners under CRS Title 29 and enforce parks rules and regulations under the same. At this time, I currently do not hold any other commission or designation through the Sheriff’s Office as I have found many Ranger programs within Colorado do in some way, most often through an agreed upon MOU.

I am interested in finding out if there are any other Ranger programs currently operating under similar scope and authority that would be willing to share policy and procedure along with experiences developing protocols that are often in conjunction with an MOU with a law enforcement agency, but handled internally. Areas I have am working to develop include communications, evidence handling, use of force, use of force investigations, authorization to carry an expandable baton, OC, handcuffs, seizure of contraband and chain of evidence, administrative processes for penalty assessments, in-service training, crimes- in-progress, unattended or suspicious deaths/suicides within Parks and Open Space, and probably a number of others that will come to mind at a later time.

I am appreciative of anyone having insight, advice, or shared experiences that may help me to continue to develop the program to become a successful, effective, and professional Park Ranger Division.

I can also be reached at 845-416-6732.

Thank you,

Take care and be safe,

Travis Bernstein