COSA Home for Raptor

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Financially hit hard by Covid, Nature’s Educators, a 501c3 raptor/reptile rehabilitation and education program, is in urgent need of a new home. Currently located in Sedalia, CO, we are looking for acreage with utilities and buildings along the Front Range between Fort Collins and Colorado Springs to house our extensive array of educational ambassadors and our wildlife hospital.

Typically, we conduct approximately 900 educational outreach presentations a year throughout Colorado and in Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, and New Mexico. Our staff of six, together with 20 volunteers, work hard to elevate the care of wildlife. In turn, our trained wildlife—wildlife that cannot survive in the wild—develop an affinity for their handlers. We offer internships to students and interested professionals.

Our programs are of inestimable importance. We provide folks a chance to see live animals up close and make lasting connections with nature. It is our goal to encourage folks to conserve habitats. Our wildlife hospital gives citizens the chance to bring injured, at-risk wildlife to us in hopes that we can rehabilitate and release wildlife back to the wild. Without our organization, educational opportunities like this are severely limited as is our chance to help injured wildlife.

We welcome your suggestions and leads for finding places where we might relocate. Please contact me at devin.j.

Devin Jaffe | Co-Director, Founder
Nature’s Educators|
Head Quarters|6490 N US Highway 85 Sedalia, CO 80135
| 720-900-HAWK
“For People. For Professionals. For Wildlife.”