COSA Supporting COSA on Colorado Gives Day

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Good Afternoon COSA members,

No doubt 2020 has been a challenging year for so many of us both personally and professionally. Know that on behalf of the COSA Steering Committee it is our sincere wish that you and your loved ones are healthy, safe, and finding ways to navigate through these challenging days.

As many of you are aware, next Tuesday, December 8th is the annual Colorado Gives day. Today I am asking each of you to consider making a small donation to help support and sustain our Colorado Open Space Alliance.

For more than 20 years now COSA has served to “share information, create public awareness, and foster partnerships needed to protect and preserve the special places of Colorado”. Through the years our annual conference has grown from fewer than 100 attendees to more than 300 participants, enrolled more than 1,600 listserv subscribers, supported young professionals, and funded nationally recognized keynote speakers like Nina Simon who provoked our thoughts and challenged us in new ways.

If COSA add value to your professional growth or your organization’s mission, please consider a small donation to help sustain COSA now and into the future. Visit our Colorado Gives website anytime at:

Thank you for your consideration and support.

Rick Bachand

COSA Steering Committee

City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Department