COSA Boulder County Parks & Open Space seeks Agricultural Resources Divisi on Manager

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Dear COSA Community,

Boulder County Parks & Open Space seeks an Agricultural Resources Division Manager. This position provides leadership to a highly qualified team of agricultural land and water resources specialists who perform a multitude of duties to support agricultural activities on the 25,000 irrigated, dryland, and rangeland acres held by the county open space program. Our approach to stewarding agricultural land is to partner with farmers and ranchers who lease the land for a broad spectrum of farming and livestock operations. This position requires a strong commitment to advancing sustainable agricultural practices that enhance soil health, mitigate and adapt to climate change, and reduce reliance on pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. It also requires equally strong managerial and leadership skills in order to effectively lead a diverse team in implementing the county’s vision for sustainable agriculture, support tenants whose farming practices vary from organic market farms to conventional commodity production, and strategically direct staff and financial resources to address a myriad of concerns ranging from protecting and utilizing water rights to resolving infrastructure maintenance backlogs.

Please forward as appropriate.

Thanks for your help. We’re looking forward to finding the right candidate!

Eric Lane, Director

Boulder County Parks & Open Space



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