COSA Care for Colorado Monthly Messaging

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Happy New Year!

Care for Colorado is welcoming in 2021 with NEW monthly messaging to share. Thank you once again for demonstrating your continued leadership and commitment to stewardship and safe, responsible travel. As a Stewardship Partner of the Coalition, COSA will have early access to this monthly messaging to encourage stewardship of Colorado’s precious resources.

Press here to access the folder with a variety of Winter Safety assets!

Press here if you would like to join Care for Colorado as a Stewardship Member.

Share throughout January in whatever way is most appropriate for your members or customers. Some tips and suggestions on sharing as follows:

  • On social channels

  • On websites

  • In E-blasts

  • In a signature box

  • In a reservation confirmation

  • In Blogs

  • In Visitor Centers

  • In-Room

  • At Your Front Desk

  • On closed circuit television

Thank you again and wishing you the very best in this New Year!.


All the best,

Barb Bowman


Providing contract services for:


P 970-261-1052

2497 So. Broadway, Grand Junction, CO 81507

barb.bowman |

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Watch and Share: Care for Colorado- Are You Colo-Ready?