Happy Friday!
The Colorado Wildlife & Transportation Alliance is hosting a series of educational webinars. CDOT is proud to be a part of this important alliance, working on efforts to mitigate wild animal and vehicle crashes.
Please note the first webinar, "Alliance Success Stories and Lessons Learned," is set for Thursday, March 25 at 11 a.m. >REGISTER HERE< The session details are described in the email below. We encourage you to share this with any community members, colleagues, or staff in your organizations whose roles may benefit from this learning experience.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or to Melissa Rary, CO Wildlife and Transportation Alliance Facilitator, mrary.
See the invitation below!
Taber Ward, J.D.
Program Manager
303.442.7367 x 204
Subscribe to the CDR newsletter HERE

Join us for a conversation
Collaborative Partnerships and Tools to Address Colorado Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions
The Colorado Wildlife and Transportation Alliance is excited to announce a Spring 2021 webinar series in partnership with Pew Charitable Trusts. The webinar series will highlight the unique partnership of the state-wide Alliance as well as our accomplishments, challenges, and upcoming goals and opportunities.
Panelists will share specific tools and tactics to build meaningful partnerships, address the challenges to mitigation implementation, and ideas for building local engagement. This webinar series will consist of presentations as well as ample opportunity for interaction and discussion with panelists. |
Webinar 1: Alliance Success Stories and Lessons Learned
Thursday, March 25, 2021
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Mountain Time
Panelists will highlight transportation and wildlife concerns in Colorado that led to the creation of the Alliance, the benefits of convening a diverse partnership to address these issues, and will present three success stories of collaboration. |
Webinar 2: Prioritizing Areas for Wildlife-Highway Mitigation Across the State
Thursday, April 22, 2021
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Mountain Time
Panelists will provide an overview of the West Slope Wildlife Prioritization Study and highlight important uses and outcomes. The team will discuss how the resulting decision-support tools are being used to advance priority projects and will introduce the accompanying East Slope and Plains Wildlife Prioritization Study currently in-progress.
Registration will open at the beginning of April. |
Webinar 3: How to Get Involved with Wildlife and Transportation Issues in Colorado
Thursday, May 27, 2021
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Mountain Time
Panelists will share examples of local initiatives, partnership, and outreach, and provide greater depth on opportunities to engage with the Alliance. Panelists will engage the audience in a discussion about opportunities and tools for participants to work on wildlife and transportation issues in their local communities.
Registration will open at the beginning of May. |