COSA COSA Community’s Best Plans

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Dear COSA Colleagues,

Why, how, and with whom we make and communicate decisions are changing (for the better). In the last three years, has your open space organization completed a planning process that dramatically improved how your team fulfills its mission?

We are looking for the best of the best systemwide planning documents. These may carry the name of systemwide master plan, stewardship plan, strategic plan, land conservation strategy, or similar.

If you are proud of yours, please reply to me with a link to the plan and one or two sentences highlighting what made the process or the resulting plan so impactful. We would be happy to share the compiled results.

Thank you in advance,

Jeremy Call

Principal, AICP, PLA

Logan Simpson

213 Linden Street, Suite 300

Fort Collins, Colorado 80524

C (970) 481-9398