COSA Town of Breckenridge RFP for Open Space & Trails Master Plan

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello all,

The Town of Breckenridge is seeking proposals to prepare an Open Space & Trails Master Plan. The Plan will summarize the existing program, consider current and future challenges, define a vision for the next ten years of land protection and management, and outline a suite of tools and decision-making strategies for the community.

Bids must be received by May 7th to be considered. Please click on the link below for project details and RFP requirements or see attached RFP.


Anne Lowe
Open Space & Trails Manager
Town of Breckenridge
PO Box 168
Breckenridge, CO 80424

ost_master plan 4-16-21.pdf