COSA Care for Colorado May 2021: #CareForColorado Week

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Greetings COSA:

Thank you Maire Sullivan for contacting me concerning Care for Colorado Week assets which I thought had been sent out to everyone. Below is everything you will need to share! My apologies for the delay. Thanks for Caring and Sharing!

Thank you Maire

All the best,

Barb Bowman


Providing contract services for:


P 970-261-1052

2497 So. Broadway, Grand Junction, CO 81507

barb.bowman |

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Care for Colorado May 2021: #CareForColorado Week

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New Revised Masthead_v2
Photo credit: Lisa Seaman

Celebrate #CareForColorado Week,

May 15–22

Share A Care for Colorado Leave No Trace Principle Daily

In May 2016, Colorado was the first state in the nation to create a holiday for public lands, Colorado Public Lands Day, which is May 15 this year. What a perfect opener for the second #CareForColorado Week!

Please join the Care for Colorado Coalition, federal and state partners, and tribal and local land managers in sharing one Care for Colorado Leave No Trace Principle every day this week. These principles serve to remind us all about the importance of responsible outdoor recreation and to guide us in protecting our magnificent landscape and precious resources.

In order to help lessen identified issues and impacts such as trash, fires, crowded trailheads and unregulated camping, we all need to be good stewards! The #CareForColorado partner toolkit, highlighted below, includes easy to access and ready-to-go assets for you to share.

Thank you, CPW, for your partnership in coordinating #CareForColorado Week and thanks to all of you for continuing to encourage Colorado-style stewardship, so that together we can all Care for Colorado.

Jill Corbin

Interim Director

Colorado Tourism Office

Dana Watts

Executive Director

Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics

Photo credit: Lisa Seaman

#CareForColorado Partner Toolkit

Access the complete Colorado Parks and Wildlife #CareForColorado partner toolkit, with the following assets:

Photo credit: Barb Bowman

#CareForColorado Week Daily Principles

Colorado Parks and Wildlife features all seven Care for Colorado Leave No Trace Principles with great messaging you can easily share! Below is an example:

Monday, May 17, Day Three — Leave It As You Find It:

  • Leave plants, rocks and historical items as you find them so others experience the joy of discovery.
  • Any of our 750 different species of wildflowers will live forever in a photo. Snap away, but only with a camera.
  • Colorado is beautiful all on its own. Building structures or campsites on public land isn’t cool. Keep it pristine for everyone to enjoy.

See all seven Leave No Trace Care for Colorado Principles with messages here.

Photo credit: Lisa Seaman

#CareForColorado Week Social Media Kit

Find access to daily social-media assets:

Photo credit: Lisa Seaman

#CareForColorado Week Social Media Post Examples

Find examples of social-media posts for #CareForColorado Week:

Sunday, May 16 — Stick to Trails:

If you head for the hills, stick to the trails! Let’s #CareForColorado. #LeaveNoTrace

Monday, May 17 — Leave It As You Find It:

Colorado is beautiful all on its own. Leave what you find! #CareForColorado #LeaveNoTrace [graphic]

Access social posts for each day of #CareForColorado Week here.


#CareForColorado Week Sharable Images & Video Examples

CTO and Colorado Parks and Wildlife have provided beautiful images that can be used for #CareforColorado Week. You can access these images here.

Access Care for Colorado etiquette videos, postcards, brochures and more here.


Care for Colorado Coalition

If you have any questions about the Care for Colorado Coalition or would like to refer an organization, agency or business to be a Partner or Member, please email Barb Bowman at barb.bowman.

Colorado Tourism Office
Colorado Office of Economic
Development and International Trade
1600 Broadway, Suite 2500
Denver, Colorado 80202
(303) 892-3840

Care for Colorado Resources
Care for Colorado Principles Toolkit
Do Colorado Right Toolkit
Care for Coloradans Toolkit

© 2021 Colorado Tourism Office. All rights reserved.

Leave No Trace Seven Principles © 1999 by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics:

Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, 1600 Broadway, Suite 2500, Denver, Colorado 80202, (303) 892-3840

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