COSA Poudre Learning Center Director Job Posting

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

We are now seeking a Director of the PLC to work with an amazing staff providing environmental education support throughout Northern Colorado.

We are looking for someone to take my place. The PLC is a great outdoor learning 200-acre site with an amazing, creative team of passionate experiential environmental science educators and very supportive board. We are looking for an experienced leader with an outgoing personality that enjoys working with young people and has a strong commitment to environmental education.

Please click the link below to learn more, spread the word, and apply!

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Maybe you or someone you know is the picture-perfect fit to lead the Poudre Learning Center into the future? Please share this opportunity with your networks.

Would you please post the attached job announcement? Anyone who is interested in the position can contact D6 HR directly through the phone number or email listed on the attachment.

Thank you for your wonderful encouragement and assistance of the Poudre Learning Center as it has developed and been established over the past 25+ years! I will always have unmeasurable appreciation for the spectacular people like YOU who I have learned from and enjoyed time with along my path.

I will greatly miss this community.

Cheers and Be Well,


Ray Tschilllard


Poudre Learning Center

Poudre Learning Center Director Job Posting May 7.2021.pdf