COSA July Webinars by Colorado Native Plant Society – Register now!

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CoNPS has two exciting webinars coming up! Check ’em out!

CoNPS Webinar: Extreme Rich Fens in South Park, Colorado
Saturday, July 17; 9:30-11:30 am
Presenter: Carol English, M.S.

Extreme rich fens are unique and amazing habitats that are rare on this planet. The plants, plant communities, and animals in these ecosystems have adapted beautifully to harsh and extreme conditions. Colorado is home to some of these rare ecosystems due to a unique set of conditions that occur in Park County, Colorado. Carol will introduce and explain why they occur and how they differ from other wetlands and fens.

For further information and to register, please go to:!event/2021/7/17/conps-webinar-160-extreme-rich-fens-in-south-park-colorado

An Evening with David Inouye: How Wildflowers and Pollinators are Responding to Climate Change in Colorado
Wednesday, July 21; 6:00-7:30 pm

David Inouye, a Principal Investigator for the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (RMBL) and Professor Emeritus at the University of Maryland, has been conducting a variety of research projects at RMBL since 1971, in order to understand the effects of Colorado’s changing climate on the timing (phenology) and abundance of flowering, and the consequences for pollinators in high-altitude ecosystems. Together with long-term climate records, he and his collaborators have been able to quantify the changes in the growing season and flowering, as well as changes in bee phenology and abundance.

For further information and to register, please go to:!event/2021/7/21/conps-special-speaker-series-live-webinar-an-evening-with-david-inouye-160-how-wildflowers-and-pollinators-are-responding-to-climate-change-in-colorado

Thanks for considering these excellent learning opportunities!

Best regards,

Denise C Wilson, Botanist

Marketing & Events Coordinator

Colorado Native Plant Society

Click Here to Donate

Wilson Associates, Inc.

Plant Ecology
34316 Gap Road
Golden, CO 80403
303-642-0510 office
303-588-6442 cell

Your heart is full of fertile seeds waiting to sprout.
– Morihei Ueshiba