COSA 2022 Non-Motorized Trails and LWCF Grant Cycles are Open

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.


Colorado Parks and Wildlife is pleased to announce the opening of the 2022 Non-Motorized and LWCF Grant Cycles. This year’s application deadline for both grant cycles is Monday, October 4th.

Non-Motorized Trail Grants
To continue our goal to improve trail recreation opportunities while protecting wildlife, habitat, and cultural resources, we are offering three categories for this year’s Non-Motorized Trails Cycle:

Construction: Maximum Award of $250,000New Trail or Trailhead Construction – New trail or trailhead construction, including the installation or creation of new facilities where none currently exist.

Maintenance: Maximum Award of $250,000
Maintenance, Re-route or Reconstruction of Existing Trails – Enhancement or improvement of a current trail to address resource damage or visitor safety concerns.Enhancements or Upgrades to Existing Trailheads – Improvement of current trailhead facilities.

Planning/Support: Maximum Award of $45,000
Planning – Trail layout, design, engineering, feasibility studies, inventory, use studies, and analysis of existing and proposed trails.
Support – Building and enhancement of volunteer organizations, increasing volunteer capacity, and implementing trail training and education.

While funding is available for all three categories, the program is placing an emphasis on maintenance projects for the 2022 cycle to address the increased need to repair and improve existing trails in the state. Applicants may submit two applications for a State Trails grant: one can be in either the Construction or Maintenance category and another in the Planning/Support category.

Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant cycle has a separate grant application for projects to acquire, develop, and maintain public lands for outdoor recreation to improve quality of life and the health and vitality of present and future generations. LWCF requires 100% matching funds and can only be awarded to local, state, or tribal governments. The maximum request for this year’s cycle is $1,250,000 and the minimum request is $100,000. Please visit our website to learn more about the LWCF program.

Wildlife Review Process

To help address potential wildlife impacts in their applications, all potential Non-Motorized or LWCF applicants must contact the corresponding Colorado Parks and Wildlife Area Wildlife Manager by Tuesday, September 7th to discuss their project. Please email a basic project scope and site map to both the appropriate Area Wildlife Manager (trails by that date to be eligible for project review and scoring. Guidance on addressing wildlife impacts for trail projects can be found here.

In addition to information found on the website, we will be hosting two webinars to go over application requirements and answer commonly asked questions.

To register for a webinar, click on a link below:

August 10, 2021 11:00 AM
August 18, 2021 2:00 PM

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions regarding these funding opportunities.

Thank you,

Fletcher Jacobs
State Trails Program Manager


P 303.791.1957 ext. 4129 | C 720.537.8894

13787 South Hwy 85, Littleton, CO 80125

fletcher.jacobs |