COSA Webinar on Landscape-Scale Restoration Projects — August 26th

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Dear Colleagues,

As those of us working in the natural resources field know, there is a direct relationship between how we manage our lands and how our communities will weather our rapidly changing climate. On Aug 26th from 12-1:30 MST, the City of Boulder and Boulder County are hosting John Liu, who will be talking about exciting examples of how societies around the world have started to implement landscape-scale ecological restoration projects that are positively transforming both the health of communities and the health of the land on which they depend. You can learn more about both John’s talk and the larger series at this link:

Immediately following John’s talk at around 12:45, there will be a local panel hosted by the City of Boulder’s ecosystems resilience lead, Brett KenCairn, that will explore efforts underway in our area to do landscape-scale restoration work. There will be chances to join in the conversation. It’s a great opportunity to get our voices into this conversation!



Lauren Kolb, Ph.D.

Soil Health Coordinator


C: 303.652.7699


2520 55th St | Boulder, CO 80301