COSA Noxious weed enforcement on private property

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Good morning,
As the Garfield County Vegetation Management Department, we sometimes struggle finding a way to connect with private landowners who have large infestations of noxious weeds on their properties. This often results in neighbor vs. neighbor disputes and our current method of enforcement is tedious and just not practical.

I’m reaching out to this group to see if any other government entities also experience this issue, and if so, if you have a method of enforcement that you think works well and/or is fairly simple. Any input would be appreciated!

Thank you,

Sarah LaRose

Program Coordinator
Garfield County Vegetation Management
195 W. 14th Street, Bldg. D, Suite 310
Rifle, CO 81650

Direct: 970-945-1377 x 4315
Cell: 970-319-5547