COSA Watershed and Ecological Monitoring Positions Opened in Colorado and New Mexico!

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Good afternoon,

Southwest Conservation Corps is excited to once again announce the openings of our Watershed and Ecological Monitoring positions for 2022!

  • Ecological Monitoring Crew Leader (Multiple locations in New Mexico and Colorado)
    • Crews will consist of three individuals: two crew members and one crew lead. Together, they will monitor land health (i.e., soil and vegetation) on BLM lands including National Monument lands, vegetation treatments, burn scars, rangeland allotments, or reference areas using AIM methodology. Within all plots, the crew will identify vegetation to species, gather species cover and composition data using line-point intercept and gap measurements, measure soil stability, and describe the site and soil pits
    • Salary:  $725-805/week depending on experience (+$80/week for Taos and Carlsbad)
    • Benefits: Paid attendance to training, including Wilderness First Aid; uniform shirt; $13/day food allowance if camping); health benefits package that comes into effect on the 1st of a calendar month after the first 60 days; paid days of personal leave
    • Full Position Description and Application can be found at
  • Lotic Monitoring Crew Leader (Taos, NM)
    • One Crew Lead and one Crew Member will work together to sample wadeable streams and rivers on BLM land using the National Aquatic Monitoring Framework and Aquatic AIM methodology. They will collect water quality data, stream habitat data, and benthic macroinvertebrate samples, entering all appropriate data into a tablet-based data-recording program while on site. Work will be completed in remote areas on BLM lands.
    • Salary:  $805-$845/week depending on experience
    • Benefits:  Paid attendance to training, including Wilderness First Aid and Swiftwater Rescue; uniform shirt; $15/day food allowance if camping); health benefits package that comes into effect on the 1st of a calendar month after the first 60 days; paid days of personal leave
    • Full Position Description and Application can be found at
  • Ecological Monitoring Crew Member (Multiple locations in New Mexico and Colorado)
    • Crews will consist of three individuals: two crew members and one crew lead. Together, they will monitor land health (i.e., soil and vegetation) on BLM lands including National Monument lands, vegetation treatments, burn scars, rangeland allotments, or reference areas using AIM methodology. Within all plots, the crew will identify vegetation to species, gather species cover and composition data using line-point intercept and gap measurements, measure soil stability, and describe the site and soil pits
    • Living Stipend:   $560/week ($640/week in Taos and Carlsbad)
    • Benefits:  Paid attendance to training; Wilderness First Aid (or reimbursement if course was paid personally and taken after April 2021); uniform shirt; $13/day food allowance if camping; AmeriCorps Education Award of $3,247.50 upon satisfactory completion of term
    • Full Position Description and Application can be found at
  • Multi-Watershed Monitoring Crew Leader (Durango, CO)
    • This Multi-Watershed Monitoring Crew will work with watershed groups across the Southwest to perform vegetation surveying along streamside habitat in 4 watersheds in Colorado, Utah, and Arizona. Watershed groups include the Dolores River Restoration Partnership, Escalante River Watershed Partnership, Friends of the Verde River, and Gila Watershed Partnership of Arizona. Vegetation monitoring is crucial to informing river restoration efforts across these watersheds that have been severely impacted by invasive species and other stressors.
    • The primary responsibility of this crew is to collect vegetation monitoring and species inventory data according to each watershed’s rapid monitoring protocol. This crew consists of two individuals (1 crew leader and 1 crew member) that will tie in and work closely with field staff from each watershed group in order to collect data. This crew is designed to be flexible to meet the evolving needs of each partnership. Flexibility, adaptability, and the ability to work and manage a crew remotely are essential for this Crew Leader position.
    • Salary: $725-$805 / week DOE
    • Benefits: Health Benefit Eligible, 3 days of PTO, with supervisor approval, and a paid week off mid-season, Uniforms, Personal Protective Equipment and Food while in field, Training in multiple rapid vegetation monitoring protocols
    • Full Position Description and Application can be found at
  • Dolores River Restoration Partnership Crew Leader (Durango, CO)
    • Salary: $725-$805 / week DOE
    • Benefits: Health Benefit Eligible, 3 days of PTO, with supervisor approval, and a paid week off mid-season, Uniforms, Personal Protective Equipment and Food while in field, U.S. Forest Service recognized Chainsaw training (Certificate awarded upon completion of program), Colorado pesticide applicator examination and licensure
    • This Strike Team will work with the Montrose County invasive weed management program and as part of the Dolores River Restoration Partnership (DRRP). The DRRP is a public-private collaborative of conservation corps, non-profits, BLM managers, private landowners, and other community members surrounding the Dolores River watershed. The DRRP is in year 12 of an ambitious effort to treat invasive plant species along 175 miles of the Dolores River corridor. The primary responsibilities of this crew are to treat noxious weeds, maintain and participate in revegetation activities such as seeding and planting, collect vegetation monitoring and survey data, and perform general restoration activities as needed. This crew is designed to be flexible to meet the evolving needs of Montrose county and the DRRP. Flexibility and adaptability are essential for this Strike Team leader position.
    • Full Position Description and Application can be found at
  • Santa Fe National Forest Strike Team Leader
    • Wages:  $685-$735/week Depending on Experience and Qualifications
    • Benefits: Health Benefit Eligible, Uniforms, Food provided while in the field, U.S. Forest Service recognized Crosscut & Chainsaw training (Certificate awarded upon completion of program), Technical Trails training, Restorative Justice Approach Training, QPR Suicide Prevention Training, and other development opportunities.
    • The Santa Fe National Forest, Covid Response Crew will work with the Pecos/Las Vegas Ranger District or the Jemez Ranger District for their season. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Districts received an amount of visitation far beyond the seasonal crew capacity to maintain recreation facilities’ cleanliness, address vandalism repairs, and address resource impacts to dispersed recreation areas. Project work will include, but not limited to: Install signage in highly impacted areas, Replace doors and other structures that were vandalized during closures, Repair damaged picnic tables, Assist with the district’s cleaning schedule to ensure an acceptable state of recreational facilities, Remove trash, and address the immediate 3-5 miles of highly impacted trails.
    • Full Position Description and Application can be found at

Please share with your networks and let me know if you have any questions!

Happy holidays,

Morgan Brandenburg


Recruitment, Outreach, and Communications Manager

Southwest Conservation Corps


A program of Conservation Legacy

“Engaging future leaders who protect, restore, and enhance our nation’s lands through community-based service”