COSA Job Opening – Volunteer Specialist

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Jefferson County Open Space is currently looking for a Volunteer Specialist for a unique role. This position provides you the opportunity to work collaboratively and across all the teams in Open Space, giving you wide exposure and a variety of experiences while supporting the volunteer program. We are seeking game changers, a person who loves what they do and is motivated to share their knowledge with those that they work with. If you are looking for a an opportunity to experience many facets of Open Space projects, look no further! 

The Volunteer Specialist for Field Projects supports the Jeffco Open Space Volunteer Program and Conservation Greenprint goals of increasing volunteer hours to 45,000 per year. This position coordinates and leads group volunteer projects throughout JCOS parks. Projects will focus on but not be limited to trail maintenance and construction, forest fuels mitigation, invasive weed species removal, and other public land management related tasks. While leading group projects, the Volunteer Specialist for Field Projects conveys the importance of outdoor stewardship and delivers environmental education related to the project..

The employment status is Limited (Fixed-Term) with an anticipated assignment end date of December 2022.

For more information and to apply:–Field-Projects_R-3413

Mathew Martinez

Volunteer Services Specialist

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303.981.8853 cell,

Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. 7am – 5:30pm