COSA City of Durango is hiring a Senior Open Space and Trails Maintenance Technician

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello COSA,

The City of Durango Parks and Recreation Department is hiring a new position – Senior Open Space and Trails Maintenance Technician.

This position implements stewardship, restoration, education and trail management projects in the open space and natural surface trail systems per master and management plans and conservation easements to provide safe public recreation and to protect natural resources.

Durango’s parks, open space and trail system includes over 3,000 acres and 100 miles of natural surface trails. More information about our Open Space and Trails can be found online.

Thank you for helping share this opportunity with the COSA community!



Amy Schwarzbach

Natural Resources Manager

Parks and Recreation

900 Cemetery Rd. | Durango, CO 81301

Office: 970.375.7388

Teamwork | Dependability | Professionalism | Service | Respect | Innovation | Well-Being

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