COSA 2023 Project Applications Now Open!

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

VOC is now accepting project applications for our 2023 field season!

While applications are accepted on a rolling basis, we ask that you submit your application by September 15 to allow ample time for selection, scouting, and recruitment.

VOC can manage volunteers in many project types including: trail building and maintenance; developing and maintaining other recreational infrastructure; performing seeding, planting and erosion control tasks; habitat restoration efforts including noxious weed management and fence removal; wildfire mitigation and restoration; restoration of flood damaged places; deployment of crosscut and chainsaw crews; environmental and human health in urban areas; and more.

For more information about what VOC volunteers can do, what VOC provides on a project, our selection process, and submitting an application please visit

We are also accepting requests for trainings to help increase stewardship capacity of local volunteers or organization staff in 2023. These affordable, in-depth courses in outdoor leadership and stewardship skills are offered through VOC’s Outdoor Stewardship Institute (ben.

If you have any questions or want to run any ideas by me to see if it is something we can do, please let me know! My contact information can be found in my signature below. To sign up for our quarterly Partnership Newsletter for more announcements such as this, click here.

Kelly Clouse

Associate Director of Programs
303-715-1010 ext. 118 | Cell: 314-249-7194
she/her/hers |

Now accepting 2023 project applications! Submit your stewardship needs by September 15.