COSA Free Equinox Event: Evening of Discovery – Ecosystems as Models for R estoring our Economies

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Dear COSA colleagues and friends,

You are cordially invited to an equinox event to explore the elusive structure of a sustainable economy, as informed by earth’s most resilient ecosystems. Ecosystems endure dozens of catastrophic events over time, while building their resilience to future disturbance and ensuring the allocation of resources to a great diversity of life. But what is the core structure of an ecosystem that provides such resilience? Do our economies have a similar structure, and operate by the same principles? If so, how do we apply this knowledge to restore our economies to a sustainable state, so we may thrive in the face of future economic turmoil?

Rooted in three decades of research and work, this talk proposes a path for restoring our economies to a healthy and resilient state, capable of supporting human needs without jeopardizing the health of ecosystems we depend on for survival. If you believe nature cannot possibly hold the clues to understanding and restoring our economies, this talk (and the book) will challenge you to think again.

I look forward to spending an evening with you this coming equinox, and furthering the discussion,

John H. Giordanengo
Restoration Economist & Ecologist
Author: Ecosystems as Models for Restoring our Economies

Event Details
Where: The wildlife haven of Jeff Lebesch and Zia Zybko
832 Wood St, Fort Collins, CO 80524

When: Sept 22
6:15pm: Gates open, and social hour with live music by Maxwell Hughes. Walk the gardens, and enjoy
libations by Odell Brewing and New Belgium Brewing.

7:15pm: Presentation starts when it is dark enough, followed by book signing.

Entrance: FREE, includes music, snacks, and beer. Signed copies of the 2nd printing, hot off the press, will be available for $20 for those who are interested.

100% of book profits support agricultural restoration.

RSVP: Event is limited to 150 people. Arrive early, or RSVP by sending your name, email, phone number, and number in party to info.

Parking: Ample bike parking on Wood Street and at the venue (832 Wood St), or park at the Fort Collins utilities facility (700 Wood St.).

Please Share with your Network
This talk (and the book) is a grassroots project, and needs your help to spread the word to like-minded people. Any efforts you make to share this announcement widely is greatly appreciated.

Facebook Event

More Talks This Fall
I have had the pleasure of engaging dozens of audiences on this subject over the past year, and have observed a consistent theme: society is hungry for deep and meaningful economic change. This includes the global sustainability community, SAGE. I have been invited to present this talk at the Weston Roundtable series in Madison, WI on Sept 29 (, which is open to the public, and available in-person or virtually.

For a schedule of additional talks this fall, visit

Thanks to Jeff and Zia for sharing their beautiful space for this event, and for providing New Belgium Brewing beer. Thanks to Odell Brewing for contributing beer for this event.

Early Reviews
Ecosystems as Models for Restoring our Economies appeals to a broad range of people across ages, values, and political beliefs, and will change the way we live our lives. I’ll be sending this book to many people in my life moving forward, and believe it should be required reading for high schools, colleges, and any other educational program.”
~ Morgan Day, Urban Planning and Sustainability Writer

“Giordanengo provides a comprehensive synthesis of ecological foundations and economic structure, sorely lacking in our quest to develop sustainable economies in the face of growing economic and environmental turmoil. From the roots of ecological restoration, this book delivers a clear path to restoring the American economy, in a way that speaks in a universal language to policy makers, business owners, academics and the general public. The identification of three drivers of highly resilient and productive economies and ecosystems—diversity, energy, and trade—is perhaps the most important insight to resolving growing tensions between society, nature, and the global market economy. This book provides hopes for species, ecosystems and the planet.”
~ Kingsley Dixon, Vice chair of the global board of directors, Society for Ecological Restoration.

“If you care about the environment; you will not want to miss reading this book.”
~ Don Hijar, life-long conservationist, and owner of Pawnee Buttes Seed Company

“Entrepreneurs play a critical role in the ecosystem, and in the endurance and restoration of a thriving economy. Ecosystems as Models for Restoring our Economies, Giordanengo’s masterpiece book, distills nature’s most important principles with basic economic theory in a logical and seamless narrative. Your first takeaway might be – why haven’t we looked at the earth ‘s ecosystems before – for the answers to a sustainable economy? As a reader, you will be drawn to new clues and conclusions.”
~ Patty Alper, Teach to Work, Author, The Alper Portfolio Group Ltd, President

“As an ecologist and ecosystem restorationist John Giordanengo, like myself, has spent decades pondering the plight of humanity while simultaneously working with natural plant communities that have been able to survive every disturbance imaginable. There are predictable strategies used by nature, in order to survive in a world of unpredictable disturbances. Giordanengo points out that it is the built-in strategy of natural systems to increase energy capture, increase diversity, and to maximize the recycling of nutrients within the system beginning at the local level. The in-depth work of this book reveals our economy has become “upside down” compared to ecosystems. The human economy has grown “out” to the limits of our biosphere. It is time, as Giordanengo asserts, to mimic nature and to grow IN.”
~ Mark Shepard, Author of Restoration Agriculture

“Finding the ‘win-win-win’ solution that optimizes economics, environmental sustainability, and human well-being is an essential and urgent task facing all of us. Giordanengo approaches this problem with his unique background of scientist, NGO leader, and business owner. He makes credible arguments and presents credible scenarios to solve the crisis, offering empirical solutions that resonate and build up from the local to global scales. John writes with a level of clarity not common to his colleagues and has created a treatise well worth reading.”
~ Tim Seastedt, Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado, Boulder

“Biomimicry has helped ranchers like us develop rapid rotational grazing and other practices that help the environment as well as the bottom line. Can the lessons of ecosystem science be applied to entire economies? That is the critical question addressed by John Giordanengo in this insightful book. It is time for economic policy makers to collaborate with environmentalists and ecologists, to develop creative solutions for restoring both the planet and its human communities.”
~ David M. Jessup, co-owner, Sylvan Dale Ranch, author of Mariano’s Crossing and other award-winning historical novel