COSA REQUEST | Trails Master Plan RFP Examples

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Happy Friday COSA folks –

It was SO great to see so many of you last week in Crested Butte. But now back to work! Greeley’s Natural Areas & Trails division is starting the process to update our Trails master plan, and we would love to see if this community has some great examples of RFPs for trails master plans that you would be willing to share.

With the extensive growth Greeley is continuing to experience, ensuring the city’s trails planning is keeping up with the pace of development is a mission critical priority for us. In this master plan update, we’ll be working through the typical corridor alignments, some technical and engineering feasibility, aligning with our transportation and other master plans, and prioritizing and budgeting various trail capital projects. We are also very interested to hear if other communities have included other components to their plans to stay innovative and future-focused. We’d love to hear about any great firms that you have worked with on a trails plan and would highly recommend, so please send those recommendations my way as well.

I’m happy to compile anything I receive from the COSA community and share it with any folks that might be interested. Thanks in advance for your help!

Take care,


Justin Scharton


Culture, Parks & Recreation Dept | Natural Areas & Trails Division

321 N 16th Ave. | Greeley, CO 80631

O: 970.350.9412 | C: 970.590.1705