COSA Faculty Remote Sensing Position – Front Range CC, Longmont

This post is more than 14 days old, and the information may no longer be current.

Hello List!

Kind of a long shot on the COSA list, but who knows who knows who!

We are seeking a new, full-time provisional (similar to tenure track) remote sensing/statistics/LiDAR/photogrammetry/hydrology faculty starting mid to late Fall semester.

For the remainder of Fall semester, after hire, the faculty will begin to develop two upper division GIS 4000 level courses – Hydrology and Photogrammetry/LiDAR. Fall semester will not have teaching, service, nor office hours duties. These newly developed courses will run in the Spring semester (January – May), in addition to teaching Introduction to Remote Sensing (fully developed, 12 credits total).

Required Qualifications:

  • Masters degree in GIS or related field
  • Experience with ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, ENVI or ERDAS, R and R Studio
  • Eight years of applicable industry experience (required for Colorado State credentialing)
  • Industry experience with LiDAR, Photogrammetry, and Remote Sensing
  • Experience/Knowledge with/of Geospatial Statistics and Geomorphology
  • Desire to teach at the Community College level in a challenging four-year program working with mostly non-traditional students (adult learners) eager to learn and apply applicable skills to industry positions
  • Willingness to participate in additional workshops, outreach, and recruiting efforts in the evening and on Fridays
  • Local to the Longmont CO campus (by January 15, 2023), as on campus teaching will be required some days of the week
  • Willingness to hold weekly or bi-weekly office hours on-campus in the GIS lab (drop-in help style)
  • Willingness to teach mostly night courses, 5:00-10:00 PM, Monday through Thursday. Afternoon and Saturday times available, but are dependent on student demand for course times (Saturdays not required but available, if the faculty would like to teach)
  • Willingness to attend required workshops and professional development events on Fridays, usually on the Longmont campus but occasionally on the Westminster campus
  • Overall Required Courses: Introduction to Remote Sensing (lower division), Advanced Remote Sensing, Photogrammety/LiDAR, GIS-Based Hydrology, GIS-Based Geomorphology, Geospatial Statistics, and Cartography (lower division)

The application deadline is October 21st!

Please reach out to me with any position related questions and feel free to circulate the flyer/email!



Jennifer Muha

Geospatial Sciences Program Lead

Front Range Community College

Boulder County Campus

40°08’20.9"N 105°07’43.4"W

303.678.3801 – office


FRCC Remote Sensing Faculty Position.pdf